


我們的名字 Avallis 源自於梵文,一個反映了亞裔血統根源的亞洲語言。它象徵信任、自信、保護,同時也意涵著成長與進化。這些品格是流淌在我們的 DNA 中的核心價值觀。隨同同品牌的 Avallis Financial 一同建立了共同的基石后,Avallis Investments 持續發展並鞏固我們在高淨值財富管理投資領域中的一席之地。






我們所有的投資決策都是以我們長遠的眼光作為基礎,並且依循合理、有條不紊且有結構的投資流程指南。 我們會管理與您的投資目標有關的風險暴露,讓您獲得穩定性報酬,而非專注於高風險的短期投資所帶來的一次性絕對報酬。








我們迎合追求各種風險承擔 – 持續性報酬的投資人:起自具有積極取得通膨調整後報酬目標的保守型投資人,到追求更高等級的投資組合報酬、具有風險承擔能力投資人。


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Facebook / Whatsapp / Telegram / Instagram Scam Alert!

Dear Valued Clients,

We hope this message finds you well. We wanted to bring a concerning matter to your attention. It has come to our notice that an imposter has created a fake Facebook, Whatsapp, Telegram, Instagram and Website (avacllinv.com) with our corporate branding, attempting to impersonate our company Avallis Investments.

The fake Avallis Investments page claims to sell a get-rich-quick Avallis AI Automated Investing Scheme which is Syariah compliant. When you click on the links on their page, it takes you to a whatsapp page under the name “Ultimate Trading Advisery”.

Please note that our company Avallis Investments does not sell such products. We are in no way related to the company “Ultimate Trading Advisery”.

We want to ensure your financial well-being and protect you from such scams. Here are some important points to consider:

1) Verify the legitimacy: Always verify the authenticity of any investment opportunity before proceeding. Ensure the company is registered with the relevant regulatory authorities (i.e MAS or SGX) and has a solid reputation in the industry. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us directly to confirm any claims made on our behalf.

2) Be cautious of unsolicited offers: Be wary of unsolicited investment offers that promise guaranteed high returns or pressure you for immediate action. Legitimate investment opportunities require thorough research and careful consideration. Take your time and consult with trusted financial advisers.

3) Conduct due diligence: Before investing, conduct thorough research on the company, its management team, and its track record. Look for any red flags such as unverifiable claims, lack of transparency, or inconsistent information.

4) Protect your personal information: Never disclose sensitive personal or financial information to unknown individuals or companies. Legitimate investment firms will never ask for your I/C number, bank account details, or passwords via unsolicited calls, email or whatsapp.

5) Report suspicious activities: If you encounter any suspicious investment schemes or believe someone is impersonating Avallis Investments, please report it immediately to the appropriate authorities. By doing so, you can help protect others from falling victim to scams.

6) Do not click on any suspicious links: Refrain from clicking on any unfamiliar whatsapp links to prevent your identity from being stolen.

Remember, your financial security is our top priority. We are committed to providing you with reliable advice and protecting you from fraudulent activities. If you have any concerns or questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us directly at T: +65 6532 2202.

Stay vigilant, stay informed, and together, we can safeguard our community from investment scams.

Best regards,
The Management
Avallis Investments Pte Ltd